Newark Heroin Distribution AttorneysNewark NJ police arrested eight people during multiple drug raids on city streets.

Police made the arrests over a period of four days. The Newark Police Department launched an investigation after getting numerous complaints about illegal drug transactions at locations across the city.

While conducting the drug raids, Newark police officers allegedly seized 379 heroin packets, 59 vials of crack cocaine, and nearly $3K in cash.

Detectives arrested a total of eight people accused of either selling drugs or buying drugs.

The first three suspects were apprehended after detectives allegedly watched two of them selling heroin to the third person along Brunswick Street.

The fourth suspect was placed under arrest on Ridgewood Avenue after Newark NJ detectives allegedly noticed him carrying 74 decks of heroin and trying to sell the illegal drugs. He was subsequently charged with several crimes, including possession with intent to distribute heroin and resisting arrest.

Two more suspects, both of whom hail from Newark NJ, were placed under arrest for allegedly selling cocaine and heroin.

The last two suspects were arrested after Newark detectives allegedly observed them attempting to deal cocaine and heroin on Frelinghuysen Avenue.

The Newark Police Department is trying to crack down on illegal drug activity in the city. Any Newark residents with information about drug dealing in their neighborhoods should contact authorities at 877-695-8477.

For more information about this case, read the article, “Newark Cops Arrest 8, Seize Heroin, Cocaine and Cash in Series of Busts.”