Law enforcement recently shot and killed the suspect in an armed robbery at a bank in Orange, New Jersey.
The tragic shooting happened around 5:30 p.m. near the Orange NJ train station in Orange, NJ. According to authorities, a couple of detectives with the Essex County Sheriff’s Office detectives were on patrol in the area to investigate reports of illegal drug sales when they got an alert about a robbery at the PNC branch on Main Street.
Police went toward the bank and came across the suspect, who was reportedly carrying a handgun. When detectives ordered the suspect to drop his firearm, he allegedly ignored their commands.
One of the Essex County Sheriff’s officers then reportedly shot the suspect. Authorities subsequently transported the suspect to University Hospital in Newark, where he was pronounced dead.
Police reportedly found the handgun that the suspect used in the PNC bank robbery. Police also allegedly found cash stolen by the suspect in the armed robbery.
For additional information about this case, read the article, “Sheriff’s Detective Kills Armed Bank Robbery Suspect.”